A day of new hope
“A new day: Be open enough to see opportunities. Be wise enough to be grateful. Be courageous enough…
Digital Expressions — 2021.1.16
  “Little by little, the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the…
2021; that didn’t take long!
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him…
In search of a good keyboard
I don’t remember why I took an elective typing class to learn touch typing in high school, but I…
Follow-up: Saving Our Personal Stories
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/12/EBM-20201016125530.jpg “By…
Maggie’s Monday Sunshine
Digital Expressions — 1120.3
“Magnificent Autumn! He comes not like a pilgrim, clad in russet weeds. He comes not like a…
The difference of a few days, Rocky River Floodwaters
I made the above autumn photo along the Rocky River* from a boardwalk overlook at Pharr Mill Park…
Digital Expressions — 1120.2
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/11/EBM-20201110130116frm.jpg “I was…
Yes, leaves again!
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/11/EBM-20201110124324.jpg Yesterday…
Digital Expressions — 1120.1
“At the beginning of our life, we may feel bare and helpless and gradually adorn ourselves with the…
2020 Election Day
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/11/EBM-20201016125308.jpg Here in the…
A hike, a recharge, but not many colorful leaves
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/11/EBM-20201030115232.jpg Friday…
Digital Expressions – 1020.2
“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange…
A walk in the park
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/10/EBM-20201026113542.jpg Park Bench…
Off the Shelf
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/10/EBM-20201016123730.jpg Autumn…
The pictures are there
“The pictures are there, and you just capture them.” – Robert Capa…
Along the way, 79 – 10/2020
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/10/EBM-20201016123515.jpg The recent…
Morning Sun
“Morning came in through the blinds cutting everything into ribbons.” ― Amber Dawn, Sub…
Staying away and pandemic blues
I wonder what the longterm social and individual emotional/physiological impact from this COVID-19…
Digital Expressions – 1020.1
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/10/EBM-20201010084747.jpg A sample of…
A walk in nature…
“A walk in nature, walks the soul back home.” – Mary Davis…
Back to a desk
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/10/EBM-20201004104437.jpg I have a…
Leaves are beginning to turn
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/09/EBM-20200929180225.jpg  …
Not about busy
“Have you noticed that even the busiest people are never too busy to take time to tell you how busy…
Along the way, 78
It’s a paradox. How does one balance living in the now with preparing responsibly for the…
Marbled Sunrise Sky
While I’ve been feeling my creativity stymied these last several weeks, the earth and nature’s…
Early morning walk snapshots
“This early piece of the morning is mine.” ― Wallace Stegner, Crossing to Safety…
Did you hear that?…
Choose Your Icon Carefully
Dentistry or Lepidopterist?…
Accepting Inperfections
“One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn’t…
Kaleidoscope Garden
My mind was in a strange place today so I went with it…
Saving Our Personal Stories
In places where people have existed for centuries, my thoughts turn to wonder who might have walked…
Goodbye Olympus
Olympus has announced it’s selling its 84-year-old camera business to Japanese JIP.  It’s unknown if…
“Stop thinking about artworks as objects and start thinking about them as triggers for experiences…
Topaz Sharpen AI Stabilize Capability
I made this photo of a woman sitting alone at an outdoor café on the streets of Venice, Italy…
Crystal Ball
If created correctly it’s not the future which you’ll view…
Denoise AI, Sharpen AI – Which Graphic Options Are Faster
What this is and is not: These are my test performance numbers for processing a 60Mb TIF photo file…
A few flowers
“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in–what more could he ask? A few flowers at his…
Living, more than breath and heartbeat?
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/06/EBM-20200606141602-2.jpg This…
Mimosa Tree
…or also known as the Chinese Silk Tree or Silk Tree in the United States…
Simple Things Viewed Anew
“We mostly see what we have learned to expect to see.” ― Betty Edwards, Color: A…
New Growth
“Spring work is going on with joyful enthusiasm.” ― John Muir, The Wilderness World of John Muir…
May Flowers in Black and White
“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” ― Aldous Huxley, Complete Essays…
https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/05/EBM-20150306104741.jpg  …
Special Moments
“some moments are nice, some are nicer, some are even worth writing about.” ― Charles Bukowski…
Choices are seldom black or white
“How much is a human life worth?  That’s the real discussion that no one is admitting openly or…
Digital Expression – 2
Turn’s out it took about ten adjustment layers in Affinity Photo, numerous tweaks in Exposure X5…

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