“He found himself wondering at times, especially in the autumn, about the wild lands, and strange visions of mountains that he had never seen came into his dreams.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring


Autumn, a time for wonderings!


  1. This actually looks like some rock abstracts I’ve seen.

    • I hadn’t thought about rock abstracts, Mark, but now that you mention it, I can kinda see it. :-)

  2. That looks like a leadlight/stained glass window. Quite amazing. I cannot even begin to figure out how you created this. Well done Earl.

    • Thanks, Cedric. Somewhere beneath many, many layers, processes, and filters, there is a photo of autumn leaves on a tree limb. I never know when I start where I’ll end up. While creating this image the center reminded me of the mountains on maps of Tolkien’s Middle Earth so I search out a quote to fit. :-)

  3. Looks like stained glass to me. Love it! I also love dreams! And mountains! And Autumn!

    • Thanks, Monte! It does have a stained glass look and in creation, I pushed for that look. As I said in my reply to Cedric I saw an obscure link to Middle Earth maps and found that wonderful quote from “The Fellowship of the Rings.” Dreams, Mountains, and Autumn sound like a wonderful mix to me! :-)

  4. My first thought was also of stained glass, then it occurred to me that it would also make an awesome jigsaw puzzle. :)