I have a real desk for my computer system again.  When RV’ing (2015-2017), it was my lap and a laptop wherever we happen to be.  In 2018 I purchased a Mac Mini computer and a monitor and used a fold-out table while deciding on our next life step.  With the recent new home came a real desk.  It still seems surreal, somehow. :-)

I’m guessing I’d better mention something about those stripes.  :-)  From the previous owner, the room has a nautical flavor.  Those wide stripes are navy blue on a white wall and they match exactly in both width and spacing striped curtains on an arched window in the room.   They go up the wall four strips (you can see the top stripe in the photo above) on three walls and while they at first may present a little “strong” it works well in the room overall.  We purposefully negotiated with the seller to leave the matching curtains and she even threw in a day bed with matching coverings.  A bonus for me about the room is that on the wall behind and above the computer monitor is a 7-8 foot long narrow picture ledge which will be perfect for setting mounted or ridged prints.  I’m hoping to reignite some interest and a little of the recently missing passion for my photography.   We’ll see?


The good news too is I believe I’ve temporarily caught up with my handyman chore list.   I’m hesitant to even state that because I’m sure now something else will turn up.


Note:  Writing about our stripes made me think about the 1981 “Stripes” movie with Bill Murray and John Candy.   Funny movie with some great physical comedy scenes.  That parade ground scene is a classic.  It’s been a long time since I’ve seen it.  I may have to go dig it up somewhere and watch it again.    


  1. Looks like a space set to provoke some inspiration! And again I am reminded of what an utter disaster my desk / office is. I really need to move it up on my priority list.

    Out of curiosity, what is the big box serious power looking thing in the corner? :-)

    • Mark, this is immediately after I set it all up. Give me a few days and I’m sure it will start to resemble its more normal messy appearance. Although, I’m going to seriously try and do better. ;-)

      That box is an eGPU. It has dual slots for standard full-size compatible graphics cards…currently housing a Radeon RX 580 8 GB card. It has its own power supply and cooling built-in, although the cooling fan seldom runs. There’s Thunderbolt 3 from the Mini to the eGPU and then HDMI from the eGPU to the monitor. Makes a heck of a difference throwing those millions of graphic bits about. It’s a slave to the Mini so when the Mini powers down or reboots it does too. I love the techie stuff. Haha! :-)

      Take care.

      • While I’ve heard of eGPU’s, I guess I never looked deep enough to realize how big they are! I suppose it makes sense, you need a power supply and some cooling – much like that comes along with a standard tower. Quite a contrast to the Mac Mini, but I guess you can’t change physics! :-)

        • Yelp, it seems large to me too, Mark. :-) There are some eGPUs that are physically smaller with external power supplies (bricks) but I’ve read some have cooling issues and don’t support more powerful cards. Graphic cards can put out a lot of heat when doing intensive jobs like processing videos.

  2. Mate, talk about click bait! “Back to a desk”!?! Here I was thinking, oh no! Earl’s gone back to work! I had to click on that link immediately :)
    Good to see that it was a false alarm though :)
    Nice little set up you have. Hopefully it will get that creative passion flowing again for you.

    • Heck, Cedric, I’m a dinosaur. I’m just looking for a good mud bog to leave my footprints in. Haha :-)
      I don’t know anything relevant or have any skill that anyone would pay money for. I don’t believe I could even get a job at the local fast-food joints these days. So, I plead unintentional, clickbait. ;-)

      Thanks. I don’t know if it will stir the creative passion, but no matter, it’s a nice place to do nothing.

      Hope you’re having a good week. Take care and stay well.

  3. Ya scared me also! 😳The virus got to him or the politics.

    Congratulations on the new computer room, man cave as I think your called the previous one. Like Mark I was wondering what the big box was. When you said it a was a eGPU I got lost. Had to read it a couple of times but figured some of it out. I also thought it interesting the small minit controls the big guy.

    • Sorry, Monte, my intentions were innocent. But, either one of those choices you presented, virus or politics, is scary and I’m trying not to let either one occupy too much of my thoughts. ;-)

      I forget to explain the tech sometimes (eGPU = external graphics processing unit.} I’ve always been a techie at heart and I’m glad you figured most of it out. When you think of it, it’s not surprising about the small controlling the large. Our little brains trough the physical interfaces nature gave us flies giant planes and drives huge ships.

      I hope you have a great upcoming weekend, Monte!