Fall Colors 2024 – Southeastern New York State
Driving across southeastern New York State from Pennsylvania raised the bar on the quantity, quality…
Fall Colors 2024 – Northern Pennsylvania
As we drove into northern Pennsylvania, the autumn leaf colors became more pronounced, and we knew…
In Search Of Fall Color
We’ve just completed a road trip chasing fall colors in Vermont, Upper State New York and…
Fall Is In The Air, At Least For Now
The mornings have been cooler (50-60s °F), the humidity is down, and the Mums have been planted and…
A Butter Eye Catcher, Preserved
“Hey, does anybody know where the new person put the Peach Preserves?” “I…
National D-Day Memorial
At first glance, the southern Virginia town of Bedford may seem like an unusual place for a national…
That Is The Question
“A sense of humor… is needed armor. Joy in one’s heart and some laughter on one’s lips is a sign…
Dolomite Quarry
From all the material I’ve seen, this quarry/open-pit mine is run responsibly, and Dolomite is…
Eastern Sky and Clouds
I’m grateful for the much-needed rain that Post Tropical Cyclone Debby amply provided as it…
On Final Approach
    While I was outside with a camera this morning, these two Chipping Sparrows flew to…
Red on Deep Blue
    “There are dark shadows on the earth, but its lights are stronger in the…
“Baby” Lemons
“The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.” …
Two Days Later
This bloom is outside our window where I usually have my morning coffee. I’ve been watching it…
Before The Heat
Here are a few other interesting facts I discovered about Daylilies: They’ve been the subject…
Disorderly Minds
“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution…
Earth Day 2024
The earth’s climate is changing, and the best we can do now is to try and mitigate how much it…
Fractal Beauty
“I fell in love with flora of all types, especially ferns. Loved the sparse structure and…
My Predictable Tribute to Spring
Each spring, I resolve not to succumb to making such common flower photos, and each spring, nature…
An old piece of wisdom expressed in a slightly different way.   I read a story about Army…
Light a Candle
From a weekend away with friends in Blue Ridge, GA, here is a store window snapshot of some modern…
Winter Rain and Thoughts
…I like the tone and actuality of the quote above.  We can’t expect or demand so much from…
Dealing with Covid
I’ve been absent from the Internet in most ways since last Christmas, except for a single comment on…
Christmas Wish
May this Christmas bring you joy and happiness, and may the coming year…
Point of Focus
When I was much younger, I rode dirt motorcycles and even did some racing, mostly Motocross and…
Of Fall-Winter
“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall” – Oscar Wilde…
Novembers’ Moon
The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of…
Thanksgiving Wishes
“What if, today, we were grateful for everything?” —Charlie Brown…
Last Fall Colors
Fall colors remain, with darker yellows and browns but fewer reddish oranges and greens.  The…
First Frost
We experienced our first two frosts on Wednesday and Thursday nights this week, with low…
I know I’ve made my enjoyment of autumn known in previous posts, but my favorite part is early…
Hillside Fern Project Update
I recently set out six new Wood Ferns.  According to those who should know, this is a good time in…
A Blank Slate
While making this photo, I could imagine a group of like-minded individuals spending an evening…
Sharing: Replacing An Older Hard Drive with an SSD
I have been thinking about replacing a couple of external hard drives that are starting to show…
Visiting Mount Equinox Skyline Drive, Vermont
These photos are from one of our day trips to the Manchester area during a recent visit to Vermont. …
The Last Load?
– Seen during a car ride today.  It must be closer to Halloween than I thought…
Oh, It’s A Sunflower
I’ve been captivated by sunflowers for a long time and enjoy making photos of them. However, it…
The Road Taken, This Time
Vermont (VT) has resonated with me on a profoundly personal level ever since I lived and worked in…
Different With Commonalities
I believe I’ve published a version of this photo in the past, but it’s remained lurking just…
The picture the camera captures may be only the genesis for what we perceive…

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