The greatest lessons I have ever learned happened at the times where I kept my mouth shut and my…
Chipmunk Feeding Ground
I’ve notice a couple of these little guys feeding under our bird feeder in the mornings and was…
What You See, and What You Feel
Traveling through the picturesque hillsides of Asturias, Spain, you might stumble upon the…
Different Doors, Abstracts and Mindfulness
I enjoy experimenting with photography and my efforts at creative manipulation of photos.  I’ve…
Routines and Benefits
I have found that the wonder of life is often most easily recognizable through habits and routines…
Hillside Fern Project Photos and Update
When I first conceived this project last fall, I expected it to take 3-5 years to complete.  I think…
Hillside Fern Project Update
I am happy to report that our ferns are thriving with the warm weather and consistent watering…
Beer Buddies
A man grabbed himself a beer and decided to sit at a table. To his surprise, a little bird landed…
Morning Magician
“The most talented of all magicians in this world is undoubtedly foggy mornings!” ― Mehmet Murat…
Bridges, Florence, Italy
If I had to choose just one city in Italy to stay for an extended period, my top pick would be…
Day Lilies
Daylily buds and Daylily blooms on our patio in early July…
Second-Chances: Partly Cloudy Tuscany
A photographer is like a cod, which produces a million eggs…
Motobikes, Italy
According to statistics, Italy ranks twelfth among countries with the highest usage of motorbikes. …
Hillside Fern Project Update
Finnish tradition holds that one who finds the “seed” of a fern in bloom on Midsummer night will, by…
Nearer to Thee, Florence, Italy
When a photographer looks back at their collection of photos, they are also revisiting the memories…
Sometimes It Happens So Fast
Most would say Venice is a mandatory destination for first-time Italy visitors.  During the popular…
End Of The Line
The only journey one can’t see the end of is life.   Don’t ever think you are the finishing line…
Each As Our Own Museum
What would it be like if our lives were a museum we could visit?  Each exhibit represents a moment…
Stoic Saints
Saints in a row, halos aglow…
Of Dreams
“A garden to walk in and immensity to dream in–what more could he ask? A few flowers at his feet…
Sentries Along The Wall
Sentries Along The Wall…
Eastern Mountain Sunrise
As the sun slowly rises above the horizon, painting the sky with pink, orange and yellow hues, it’s…
Setting Up, My Reflections On RV’ing
As I was looking through archived photos and thinking about full-time RV’ing and campgrounds, I…
Our Blooming Patio
Something is rewarding about growing spring flowers, especially for those who love gardening. From…
Wide Open Western Montana, Part 2
I came across a few more photos of western Montana, which I’m posting here as a follow-up to my…
Horse Power
“He knows when you’re happy. He knows when you’re comfortable. He knows when you’re confident. And…
Wide-Open Western Montana
There are places in the eastern US where you can see for long distances with beautiful landscapes…
Tears, the American Bison
The American Bison, sometimes mistakenly called buffalo, once roamed the Great Plains in millions…
Changing Terrain
“We can choose to be affected by the world or we can choose to affect the world.”…
Kalob Canyons, Utah
Kalob Canyons, northwest corner of Zion National Park, Utah…
Spring Iris and Projects
I can’t look at Iris blooms in the spring without thinking of my Mother; it was her favorite…
Southeast Utah
“Danger holds the reins as the devil cracks the whip! Desperate men! Frontier women! Rising above…
No Frost, Hopefully
There’s no frost in the ten-day weather forecast, so we decided to take a chance and do some…
Quail Creek Reservoir, UT
One of our most extended stays during our three years of full-time RV’ing was in Leeds, UT, a small…
Fields Of Green And Big Skies
In the heart of the countryside, Where the world is calm and slow, Stands an isolated…
After 25 Million Years, Give or Take
Agathla Peak is a remnant of an ancient volcanic structure emplaced during the Oligocene about 25…
Desert Sand
The sand takes on a warm golden glow as the sun drops low over the desert. It’s a mesmerizing sight…
Sticky Abstracts
“During your struggle society is not a bunch of flowers, it is a bunch of cacti.”…
Gypsum Sandscapes
A striking feature of a desert landscape is the abundance of plant and animal life that thrives…
Alamogordo, NM
Alamogordo, NM, lies just East of White Sands National Park, with a population of just over 31,000…
Sunsets: White Sands National Park
Here are a few sunset photos from the White Sands National Park in Alamogordo, NM, taken from my …
Early Spring?
With the temperature reaching nearly 80º F yesterday, many plants and trees are blooming or…
Sunset: Tones and Curves
“Dusk is just an illusion because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. And that means…
Good Morning, Deer
Just before sunrise, but light enough to see, I watched three Whitetail Deer stroll from the woods…
Artificial Boundaries
I made many photos during our 2015-2017 full-time RV travels that I’ve never really ‘developed.’ I…
Winter’s Beach
“The waves of the sea help me get back to me.”  – Jill Davis…
Lemonade Is Overrated
“If life throws you a lemon – make lemonade.” Joan Collins Note: There are more…
Broomsedge In Winter
“On the canvas of life, Every sweep of the brush matters, Counts for something” ― Scott Hastie…
“Let today be the day where you rise above the excuses.” ― Hiral Nagda…
U.S. Veterans Day – 2022 “We…

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