“The road never ends … only our vision does.”
― Amit Reddy, Who Stole My India?


According to statistics, Italy ranks twelfth among countries with the highest usage of motorbikes.  A significant percentage of Italian households, specifically 26%, possess at least one motorbike.  The top five countries dominating this list are in Eastern Asia: Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and China.  Thailand holds the top spot, with an impressive 87% of households owning at least one motorbike.

I felt that high-contrast black and white conveyed the scenes and stories well for these photos. It could be challenging to remember where you parked your motorbike after a night of indulging in a little too much wine, especially since many of them have a similar appearance.

During my younger years, I was passionate about motorcycle cruising on the roads and riding/racing in the dirt.  I also worked as a motorcycle mechanic for a while.  From my experience, once you develop a passion for motorcycles, it remains with you for a lifetime, even when you know those days are past.  



  1. Well, now I know a bit more about you, my friend. Would not have envisioned you as a motorcyclist, let alone a mechanic. Yet, I can see you with a wrench in your hand. Thank you for those statistics on motorcycles. It amazes me that Thailand could have that high a percentage of families with motorcycles. Makes me wonder the ratio of motorcycles to cars. I really like that top image. It gives me a true story of the dependance people place on motorcycles compared to the American dependance of cars. It also shows the difference we Americans have in types of motorcycles compared to other countries.

    • I used to work as a mechanic at a Kawasaki dealership while spending my weekends riding and racing motocross and cross-country with my buddies. Personally, I find the top image more appealing because it includes a person walking down the street, which enhances the story, and the buildings in the backdrop create a pleasant setting. It’s worth noting that in some countries, cars are unaffordable, and roads are narrow, with scarce parking options available.