I’m still “roaming” my photo archives and you’ve perhaps noticed the wide range and variance of the images I’m posting these days…from the enhanced color and semi-painting style in my posts “Golden Hours” and “Dancing by the Fire” to a high contrast black and white image featured here…and of course all those in between. I’ll never settle…

The difference between utility and utility plus beauty
is the difference between telephone wires and the spider web.
– Edwin Way Teale –

Recent Stuff and bye-bye to Adobe
I’ve gotten most of “bones” of the moved and revised ‘Meandering Passage’ finished. However, I’m not completely happy with the posts featured image slideshow at the top of the homepage. So, this whole section may

Along the way, 34
We spent the evening sitting on a dune at White Sands National Monument watching an outstanding sunset. It was 360º whole-sky-beautiful! Of course Maggie was enjoying being out and about as well.

Along the way, 19 – Kansas, from the bottom of the sea
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” ~~ Jawaharlal Nehru