Mums – Fall’s Queen

This morning, a gentle rain enhanced fall colors and prompted me to blow the dust off the camera.   Mums always say fall to me. Maybe it’s because you see them for sale at almost every grocery store and all the garden centers.   Like clockwork, there are always several Mums found in our yard.

Some say Mums symbolize joy, life, friendship, luck, and rebirth. Indeed, its resilience in the face of a sudden temperature drop, while hosting a flower that brims with color when skies are decidedly darker, almost seems magical. While other flowers lose their luster at this time of year, the mum is only just coming into its own.

Mums – Fall’s Queen


  1. Especially when the days get darker, wet and colder the sight of such colorful flowers can warm the heart – at least mine.

    I love your stringent, tight composition and just the right amount of bokeh.

    • Thanks, Markus! Mums are one of my wife’s favorites, so I can always share her enjoyment of them each fall. I broke out my Sony full-frame camera for these shots…kinda nice to get an easy “bokeh fix” after mainly using an Olympus 4/3s camera. 😀

  2. I too love the mums. I did not know they symbolize djoy, life, friendship, luck, and rebirth. Just that information will change how I see them in the future. Yes, on bokeh!

    • I guess they could symbolize many different things, but I enjoy Moms peak when most plants become dormant. Thanks, Monte.

  3. Lovely mums, thanks for sharing.

  4. My wife was quite excited to find a deep purple variety this year. It’s definitely nice to see something blooming this time of year.

    • I know there are white, yellow, pink, purple, sunset shades and bronze-colored Mums, and there may be more colors I’m unaware of.