Earl Moore Photography
The Dreaming Pool

I’m presented an unexpected opportunity. My wife works for an European company and will attend a three day meeting in Bucharest, Romania, in mid-September. I’ve decided to accompany her with some days added to the beginning and the end of the meeting portion. We’re thinking on the way to Romania we’re stop at Munich, Germany, for a couple of days and then return with a couple of days in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

“Creativity comes from looking for the unexpected and stepping outside your own experience.” – Masaru Ibuka

Photographically and otherwise, I’m traveling light — taking a four/thirds camera with a couple of lens, my Canon S90 and my iPad. I’d love to have my Nikon D700 with full gear and a laptop but we’re going to be moving and doing as much as possible in a short amount of time and I don’t want to have to keep up with it all.

The biggest issue we face is finding someone or someplace to care for our dogs while we’re gone. Our last experience with the most convenient boarding solution wasn’t good at all and I wouldn’t feel right using them again. Maggie and Foster are not small little house dogs (they are house broke) and Foster has special needs which makes it harder. I’d love to find someone who would come to the house to care for them — we’re looking! We love these dogs but they sure have tied us down.

I’ll have more to say on this as the time grows closer. Any comments or suggestions are as always welcomed!

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Anita Jesse
13 years ago

Selfish slug that I am, my first thought was, “Oh, boy, are we in for some terrific photographs to delight us in the coming weeks, or months. Yippee!”

Finally, I got to thinking of Earl and the mention of the dogs brought me right down to earth. I trust that you will find a proper caretaker, but empathize with your dilemma. We love them with all our hearts, but they do complicate our lives. I think the price for their companionship is not too high; but, there is a price.

I look forward to future updates regarding this marvelous adventure.

Eric Jeschke
13 years ago

Sounds great! I loved visiting Munich, and I think Romania would be a picture-taking dream. I agree about finding someone to house-sit. We have a lot of animals and it just makes sense. Hope you can figure that out. Good luck!

Eric Jeschke
13 years ago

BTW, nice picture here! Did you get the blur by zooming while taking the photo or in post processing?

Ken Bello
13 years ago

We meet a young woman who worked at the vet where we brought Emo and his predecessors, Blanche and Stella. She had her own house and pet sitting business, was bonded and loved animals and knew how to handle special cases. She never partied or invited others over during her stays. She was great. I suggest contacting your vet to see if they have someone on staff that house sits or could recommend someone. When you give someone the keys to your house, you had better be able to trust them.

13 years ago

How lovely! That’s a wonderful initiative, taking the opportunity and extending the business trip like that. I don’t know much about Bucharest, if it has changed much since their glory days, but I’m certain it will be a great trip, either the case.

13 years ago

Sounds like a great opportunity Earl. I know EXACTLY what you mean as far as the dogs. Our last malamute Chinny with her diabetes really limited our traveling. There was simply no where we felt we could trust to trust to make sure she got her insulin and proper diet. With our current malamute Willow, we found a day care place that we took her to a few times before boarding her there. She is also a special needs dog with meds and a specific diet.

We were pleased with the day care visits, and she seemed to really enjoy them since they are mostly open play time with other dogs. That built our confidence to ultimately leave her there for a week while we were gone diving early this year. The texts and pictures they sent via phone really helped us stay connected and reassure us she was ok. I would say look for a place like that – that offers day care, on-site vet or medical technicians, and would do something to make you feel connected while you were gone. It helps calm the nerves a bit.

13 years ago

A beautiful shot for its nice mood. I like the ripples in the pond. Excellent trip for you coming up. The equipment you’re taking along will do a fine job for you.

13 years ago

Congratulations, Earl on the upcoming trip. Even though I have only one dog and he has no special needs, I know how much of a constraint they can be. I’d suggest Continental Boarding in Charlotte. It’s quite a ways for you, but not so far from the airport. They have doggie day care and can accommodate special needs dogs, but they do not have an on-site vet. Hobbs loves it there and is always eager to go when I take him, which lets me know that they are treating him well.

Best of look with that and, I’m also feeling selfish, like Anita: I excited about seeing your photos and reading of your experiences. :)

Martina Egli
13 years ago

That sounds like a wonderful trip, I already look forward to reading about your experiences and seeing your images! I really hope that you will find someone to come to your house and care for the dogs very soon. So you can relax and await your holiday with pleasure.

I like the post processing of your photograph, the flowing water and dark colours around the edges are beautiful. Great work!

NR | ExP
13 years ago

Crazy looking TS effect, creative image.

I’d volunteer if you lived in my area Earl. I always have a hard time leaving my pup in a kennel when I go, mainly because he’s a large animal and his demeanor can easily be misunderstood by people not familiar with dogs his breed and temperament.

That trip is going to be a wonderful photographic opportunity, I can’t wait to see your photos when you get back. But more importantly my hopes is you find someone you are comfortable with so you can relax easily while you’re away. Good luck!

Monte Stevens
13 years ago

What a nice surprise that is and hope you guys enjoy yourselves.