‘ve dappled in digital art before but recently have become more engaged with it. I’ll be the first to acknowledge my heightened interest could be influenced by the abundance of time I’ve available thanks to extended pandemic stay-at-home measures. It doesn’t necessarily come easily to me, and I’ve quickly identified a couple of areas where I’m struggling in my attempts to create original work. 

First, if I have a clear vision of what I want to create and how I want it to look, often, I don’t have the technical skill or knowledge to “pull-it-off” to the level I want. And when I do manage to cross that hurdle, it may take so long technically that I’m in danger of losing creative momentum. This can be frustrating.

Second, I like abstracts, and I feel pulled in that direction, but when trying to create my own abstract work, I sometimes “hit a wall” of my own making. I’m more comfortable with order and structure. It’s a natural way my mind works, so, when trying to find a way to express something abstractly, it’s difficult, sometimes impossible. Like I was dropped into a foreign country and don’t speak the language. 

Training and practice are going to be the answer to the first item, and I’m working on it. The second item is a problem; that’s not a problem at all. I’m having fun with it, I’m gaining from the time invested, and it fits nicely with photography for me.

The above image, “Hey, did you feel that?” is a recent work.  


Remember science and medical professionals rule!  Everyone be safe and stay well!






  1. I really enjoy this piece Earl! If you don’t already know of him I would check out Sebastian Michaels and his Photoshop Grunge and Awake courses. I’ve taken them and really felt they are excellent for taking the digital art plunge.

    • Thanks, Howard, glad you like this image! I remember looking at some of Sebastian Michaels’s videos/work sometime in the past but perhaps it’s time for a second look. I appreciate the recommendation. Take care and have a good and safe day.

  2. This reminds me a bit of Salvador Dali

    • I honestly hadn’t consciously thought of Dali when I was doing this piece, but who knows maybe my subconscious was channeling a little of Dali. Yea, I should be so lucky! LOL

      Have a good day, Mark.

  3. I like it. Very Dali-esque as Mark pointed out. I’m with you when it comes to matching skills to vision. Mine rarely meet where I want them to meet :)

    • Thanks, Cedic! Well, I guess I’ve got to start working on my Dali mustache. I’m going with the “story” that if one’s skills and vision match it’s a sign of a stunted vision. ;-)
      Take care!

      • Lol! Not many are growing a Shelter-in-place Dali mustache – here’s your chance to reveal a new look to the world!

        • Mark, let’s hope we’re not sheltered-in-place for as long as it would take me to do the full Dali. Haha!

  4. Firstly, I like the image! I’m coming to believe that hitting the wall is the only way we can uncover that creativity we each have. I think it’s an even taller and thicker wall when we are trained and live an analytical life. Seems the creatives I’m familiar with go inward to a source that pulls together our skills and vision. But then again, what do I know?