Honored Graves, Memorial Day

Honored Graves, Memorial Day

And they who for their country die shall fill an honored grave, for glory lights the soldier’s tomb a beauty weeps the brave. — Joseph Rodman Drake https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2021/05/EBM-20120526093924.jpg “Honored Graves” The American Holiday Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May.  It honors those who died while serving in the U.S. military.  The…

Broken Angel Wings

Broken Angel Wings

https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2021/05/EBM-20210524112650.jpg Broken, Angel Wings (Caladium Bicolor) The Angel Wing plant is obviously named because of the shape of its leaves.  This particular bicolored specimen has had a rough spring as many leaves are torn or have pieces missing.  Hence, I named this photo “Broken Angel Wings.”  However, the phrase “broken angel wings” also brought to…