Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation’s service.

Earl Moore Photography

Their silent wounds have speech

More eloquent than men;

Their tones can deeper reach

Than human voice or pen.” ~ William Woodman

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Earl Moore Photography Earl Moore Photography Earl Moore Photography

Morning photographs made on the grounds of the National Cemetery, Salisbury, NC.

Earl Moore Photography

I certainly wish for a day when no more sacrifice of life was required in service of this nation or in protection of others, but mankind seems unable to live in peace or learn from past mistakes, at least on any large scale, so I’m afraid there will be more of these white headstones in the future.



  1. Sadly Earl, I think that you are right.

  2. A fine Memorial post! Good selection of appropriate images. I agree that we seem destined to continue having war after war.

    • Don, thanks. Wars are usually started by those who don’t have to directly serve/fight. Perhaps if it was different we’d see less wars.

  3. Great work, The Unknown soldier shot is especially nice.

    • Thanks, Chris. I had the place much to myself this particular morning (Saturday) and it was a humbling experience.

  4. Sorry to say I agree with you.

  5. Unfortunately, I have to agree with the others. There’s only going to be more of these headstones in the future. I fear we’re entering an age of “Resource Wars” (which I think was a science fiction novel back in the 70s or 80s). Like you, I hope I’m completely wrong on this…

    Nice work on this page, Earl.

    • John, I suspect consideration of resources have always played some part in wars and will continue to do so as long as mankind struggles to live together.

  6. Very nice series, Earl. Somehow I knew you would have a good Memorial Day photo, and you’ve got several.

  7. A very nice tribute, Earl. I was just reading some things about D-Day, which was just a couple days ago, and it stirs something inside of me knowing so many men lost their lives that day.