Well wishes
“When all’s said and done, all roads lead to the same end. So it’s not so much which road you take, as how you take it.” — Charles de Lint This will be my final post this year so I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a…

Recent Stuff and bye-bye to Adobe
I’ve gotten most of “bones” of the moved and revised ‘Meandering Passage’ finished. However, I’m not completely happy with the posts featured image slideshow at the top of the homepage. So, this whole section may

RV Travel Map and Log
A quick mention here of a new/improved feature on Meandering Passage.

The last of 2014
Previous year end posts on this blog have been written wondering if the coming new year will bring substantial changes. This year, there’s no doubt of immense changes for us in 2015. For the last couple of months…

Change to Meandering Passage RSS Feed(s) – Leaving Feedburner
One of the easiest ways to keep track of updates to blogs you follow is by subscribing to the blog RSS feed so any updates will show in your RSS feed reader of choice. Since early 2007 I’ve been using Feedburner to manage the Meandering Passage RSS feeds. If you subscribed the Meandering Passage RSS Feed…