In January 2024, I shared that I had the above image printed on canvas in a custom large size of 60″x34″. At that time, the printer did not offer any framing options for custom large prints, and even if they had, I likely would not have been able to afford it. While we liked and enjoyed the print it never felt quite finished.

In late 2024, I decided to have a print from our 2012 road trip in Italy printed and framed to hang above the sideboard in our dining area. I chose a standard size for the print, and selected a floating frame option. The frame really made the print stand out and gave it a polished look. As a result, I found myself often examining the print over our couch and wishing that it was also in a floating frame.

After researching online, I discovered a company called “Framing 4 Yourself.” They provide custom frames cut to your specifications and shipped directly to you for assembly. They offer sample frame corners in various styles, materials, and colors for a small fee, which can help you find the perfect fit for your preferences. I ordered three samples to assist me in making my decision, and the frame corner above was my final choice.

I provided the dimensions of my canvas print (60″ x 34″) when I placed my order. It took about ten days from the time I ordered until I received the cut frame pieces. A few drops of Gorilla Super Gel XL Glue and a strap clamp allowed me to assemble the frame quickly. I mounted the canvas print in the frame and secured it from the back using a few small wood screws and then adjusted the hanging loops and hooks to accommodate the slightly larger size of the frame.

You get some sense of the depth and design of the frame pieces from the corner image above. I chose a frame member that had a fairly wide face because the canvas was so large that I was afraid that the print size would overpower a more narrow face. It was a good decision.

The results are much more striking than the above photo shows. It gave the print a finished and polished look, and we’re happy with the frame and the finished results.
I’m unsure how to compare the cost with other options, like a framing shop. Since this was a custom size and I used a holiday coupon they had available, I feel that, although it wasn’t cheap, it was reasonable. The frame material is of very high quality, even better than the frame used for the Italy print, which was framed when it was printed. I liked matching the frame design with the canvas print and the order; assembly was easy. I would use their services again.
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That’s really nice, Earl. Except for one print, I’ve done all of my own framing and mating but that was when I was much younger and I liked to do it. The last piece (a gift from an artist friend) I had professionally framed and it looks great. You will enjoy these for years to come.
Thank you, Ken! I know we’ll enjoy it. It’s been years since I’ve had both the motivation and the proper workspace for any major DIY projects. Nowadays, my efforts are limited to gluing pre-cut frame pieces together, fixing basic household issues, or assembling a piece of furniture.
I like how it turned out! The floating frame adds something I would not have expected. You now have me thinking and fearful of spending more money. When I first looked at adding them to my canvas prints I snubbed the idea of making them myself. You have shown me my fears are invalid and it can be done. Your prints are also twice as larger as mine. I am limited in what I can repair at home both in tools and in knowledge. When I opened my refrigerator door this morning I heard something fall to the floor and found it to be a screw. It was startling because I’m aware I have a few loose screws. But it was a screw out of the door handle. So I did a little bit of repairs this morning to start my day. If that’s as bad as my day gets, it’s gonna be a d*** good day. Again, a job well done!!!
Thanks, Monte. Indeed, a floating frame enhances the visual impact of a canvas print. Since the cost of the frame is partly determined by the size of the canvas print, the expense for one of your prints may not be as high as you fear. The other aspect of the cost is the frame design and material, which offers various options. The assembly and mounting process is straightforward. From the moment I began working on the frame to when I hung the canvas print back on the wall, it took less than four hours, most of which was just glue drying time. I have been accused of having a few loose screws myself. Just keep on keeping on.
This is a neat tip. Thanks! I’ve done floating frame canvas, but they do get expensive. I have a couple of canvas pieces I think I’ll check out some options.
I agree, it does add that little extra bit, and the photos you have work really well.
I was satisfied with the service and the quality frame provided, and I will likely use them again for a couple of other canvas print projects that may be in the works.