Each spring, I resolve not to succumb to making such common flower photos, and each spring, nature and Bonnie decorates our yard with beautiful blooms and my resolve crumbles.

I’d enjoy the season more and perhaps even come up with original floral compositions if not for allergies that tend to drive me back inside. Definitely one reason I enjoy the fall season over spring.

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11 months ago

That really sucks that allergies drive you back inside this time of year. Clearly you have a lot of great subject matter calling your name right now. But I get it – I need to have a CT of my sinuses soon to see if they are at the root of chronic headaches.

11 months ago

I’ll trade you the foot of snow we’re expecting today :-)

11 months ago
Reply to  Joe

After we had zero snow here for what was a poor imitation of winter, Joe, I’d almost take you up on that…but no, maybe not! 😉 May it be beautiful and melt quickly.

Monte Stevens
11 months ago

Thank you for suffering to get the images and thanks to Bonnie for the green thumb! Interesting enough I get most of my flower images from the CSU Experimental Gardens and what flowers the campus plants. We have very few in the condos.

Monte Stevens
11 months ago
Reply to  Earl

I believe your report to be true. I seem to have more allergies as I age so it makes sense with those numbers. I can even have a sneezing fit while in my condo and then be congested for the next 30 minutes.