πŸ”½ Most Recent Passages (Posts) πŸ”½

Things Unseen

β€œIn all things of nature there is something of the marvellous.”– Aristotle One of the premises of a mystery story I recently read suggested that a person can become invisible or unnoticed by others if they adopt a low-key demeanor…

Below The Canopy

   Initially, I graded this photo low and thought it was a candidate for later deletion. However, I kept returning to it for reasons still not completely understood. I’ve learned that one should often listen to one’s gut reactions, although…

Imperfect Beauty

As we approach the end of the vibrant autumn leaf season, I find great photographic interest in the imperfections of the final leaves as they turn spotted and brown. Aren’t the imperfections often the most interesting features of anything or…

Against Blue Sky

“At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst.” Aristotle This photo seems to contain nearly every stage of leaf coloration, from fully green to yellow, orange, red and finally…

An Unexpected Gift

This past Sunday, I was gifted a fantastic sunrise while out for an early morning walk. Rain was forecast to move in later in the day, and the associated cloud cover was perfect for creating a 360-degree spectacular, the-sky-is-on-fire color…

Grow Old Gracefully

β€œLeaves grow old gracefully, bring such joy in their last lingering days. How vibrant and bright is their final flurry of life.” -Karen Gibbs Some encourage raging against aging and the inevitability of death. While I agree that we should…