Fall colors remain, with darker yellows and browns but fewer reddish oranges and greens.  The pictured fern is one of mine from my fern hillside project this year.  Ironically, they look the best they’ve looked all year, just before the winter cold ‘bites’ them.  I hope they return next spring, or this may have been a one-year project. 🙄

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Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
1 year ago

Both are beautiful images, my friend. I would say we followed the same color patterns as you, more of the flat browns and very few reds and yellows. I also hope your ferns return next year and do well.

1 year ago

I like the deep, rich tones in these photos Earl.
I am thinking your ferns will do fine. We have a few types, if they can survive Michigan, I think they’ll do ok down there. :-)