Something is rewarding about growing spring flowers, especially for those who love gardening. From the dead of winter, you watch your garden come back to life as the colors and fragrances of your favorite flowers fill the air. While I enjoy growing certain things, such as ferns or when I used to have a ‘pet’ ficus tree, Bonnie’s the green thumb talent.

These photos are from a little walk around our patio this morning with my phone.

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Howard Grill
Howard Grill
1 year ago

It is an amazing rebirth, isn’t it?

1 year ago

You certainly have a colorful short walk to enjoy!

Monte Stevens
1 year ago

My favorite is the Asian virginsbower. Not sure I’ve ever seen one or at least looked right past it. You are blessed to have the flowers, watch them show off their beauty. Let Bonnie know how much we appreciate here labor and keeping you busy. My sister loves to garden and one flower she does well with id the clematis.
You’ll need to show us Bonnie’s green thumb. 😂