1. What a coincidence! I was following one of these swallowtails around in our front yard with my camera just a couple days ago. I have yet to review the images but would be happy with some like this. It’s always tricky in such bright conditions. Glad to see your post Earl and I hope all is well.

    • Mark, of course, these three photos are selected from probably the 30 to 40 made during the period of this swallowtail visit, most of which were less than stellar. I’ve been rather “low-keyed” lately but am well. Thanks!

  2. Beautifully captured, Earl. I’m finding a few monarchs fluttering around the milkweed we’ve planted and hope to get some images. I’d be very surprised to get any as nice as this.

    • Thanks, Joe. I haven’t noticed any Monarchs here yet. You’ll probably get some good opportunities if you’ve got milkweed around.

  3. OH, my gosh! Love these impressive creatures and the beauty they bring to this world. That light touch of red/orange in the wings catches my eye. Most photographers look for one good image and you brought at least three.

    • This particular swallowtail was a very cooperative model on this occasion, and I had a good position for photographing it. Thanks for the comment, Monte. Take care!

  4. Very nice, Earl. Those guys are quite elusive. Hard enough to get close to, even harder to get them to stay still for a photograph or three.