Rafting in low hanging river mist which appeared after a sudden downpour near the Ocoee Whitewater Center, US-64, Copperhill, TN

These are a couple of photos made during a recent quick road trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Temperatures were in the upper 80s to low 90s. While we were driving along the Ocoee River whitewater area, a sudden downpour of rain dropped temperatures to the point where a visible mist formed 8-10 feet thick above the river. Kind of a surreal scene for the many rafters on the river at that time.

At one point, the Smokey Mountain Railroad tracks run just across the river, and while stopped to stretch our legs, I tried to get a good photo of the steam locomotive billowing black smoke as it pulled several tourist passenger cars up a grade. I was pretty impressed with the little engine that could until two diesel locomotives came into view, pushing from where a caboose would normally be located.  

In my efforts to get both the engine and the coal car with the railroad name centered in a narrow space between trees, I didn’t totally get either.  It also didn’t help my efforts to be using my Olympus camera, which I haven’t used in so long I was stumbling with the buttons and settings.  It is what it is.

Steam Locomotive 1702 pulling hard, Smokey Mountain Railroad along the Ocoee River, US-64, near Copperhill, TN

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Monte Stevens
3 years ago

I like both shots. Yes, we always get only what we got. Not sure that made sense. 😁Try as we may life only gives so much and we must use what we get. I’m still not making sense, am I? Oh well, I know what I’m trying to say. I did not know they had a train in the Great Smoky Mountains. Now, you’ve set a spark for me to head back there. Last time I was there was 2003. Glad you guys got to make the drive up there!!
~ Monte Stevens recently posted… Clear Skies at Sunset