“Little by little, the old world crumbled, and not once did the king imagine that some of the pieces might fall on him.”
― Jennifer Donnelly, Revolution


Winter Leaf – 2021.1.16

Only a few days until hopefully the beginnings of better times.  What a mess we find ourselves in.  I’ve not been writing much lately as I find myself in a bit of a funk, but I’m sure I’ll eventually recover.  I hope everyone has a good weekend and continues to be safe and well.  

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Monte Stevens
4 years ago

Love the quote!!!! Feel the same way on the funk stuff. I’m not writing as much either but still want to post as a way to stay motivated and rise above the funk. Works, sometimes. Love this image and reminds me of stained glass.

4 years ago

In the same boat. Love the image though, looks like stained glass.