My pill sorter indicated it was Friday this morning and I thought it would be a good time for well-wishes.

here are many states “opening up” or relaxing Coronavirus regulations today.  Most say they will still require social distancing, face masks, and disinfecting measures but that they must get local economies going again as millions of people file for unemployment each week.

I understand the terrible pressure these local and state governments are under.  Many Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have exhausted their resources and credit.  But most of these states either have a steady or slightly increasing infection rate with daily deaths still being recorded.  None of them meet CDC guidelines for opening back up.  There is also political pressure at play but I’m not going to address that ignorance.

My Friday wish is for the safety of the people of those states that are opening up today and for all the rest of us as well.  I hope these decisions to “open” aren’t a colossal mistake resulting in thousands of more infections and deaths. 

I don’t know what the answer is but I’m fearing the situation and even the economy will get worse before it gets better.  People need to eat and the long lines at food banks show that it’s already reached the point where many are struggling to even do that.  Yes, you can declare businesses are open but consumer confidence plays a huge part in powering the economy and I think most of the consumers are scared and unsure.  If they have money they are saving it and will continue to stay-at-home for their own safety.

The image above is an especially fiery sunset at San Sebastian, Spain.  It doesn’t really have anything to do with the subject matter of this post except I offer it as a little beauty to balance out the rest of the doom and gloom.  



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4 years ago

A good wish indeed!

It seems we are really in a no-win situation, leaving many of these decisions in a “wait and see” mode. Here’s an interesting infographic on the global economy predictions :

Great image from Spain. Quite the sunset show for you and those in that hotel that were paying attention.

4 years ago
Reply to  Earl

I understand wanting to know how accurate it is. That’s the crux with everything these days eh? All I can say is VC usually puts out good stuff in my experience – and even if it’s wrong, it sure is pretty! :-)

Howard Grill
4 years ago

Couldn’t ask for a better wish.