Earl and Maggie at White Sands, NM, 2016 - Photo by Bonnie Moore
Earl and Maggie at White Sands, NM, 2016 – Photo by Bonnie Moore

I don’t enjoy having my photo taken and I could probably count on my fingers the number of photos of myself I could stand looking at, much less liked.  So I was somewhat surprised when combing through my archive of photos I came across the above photo taken by Bonnie at White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. Seeing it, I realized I like this photo.  Of course, that unexpected reaction immediately prompted me to ask myself what about it that I liked.

Some of the noticeable things in the photo are it’s just before sunset. I’m sitting in a relaxed yoga type position and I clearly remember the coolness and silky smooth feeling of the ultra-fine sand. The air temperature was very comfortable. It was a good time with two of my loved ones nearby…Maggie in the photo and Bonnie taking the shot from just on the other side of Maggie.  I was looking off into the distance, probably at the sunset, with a natural smile on my face, fully lost in the moment rather than trying to capture it with my camera (of course I’d been taking a lot of photos.)

So, I like this photo…it takes me back to that moment and those feelings. I’m far from being a professional photographer and while I enjoy sharing many photographs on this blog I take photographs mostly for myself. If a few of them have the power to let me experience part of those original moments again then that alone is reason enough to be a photographer. I’ve also found that moments reexamined from the perspective of a few more miles on the personal odometer often share a few secrets not realized initially.

Yelp, life’s short and you never know how long you’ve got…gotta live it like you stole it! :-)


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Cedric Canard
6 years ago

That’s a beautiful part of the world and a very peaceful scene. You certainly seem very content. And yes, life is short but it’s still the longest thing we ever undertake ;)

Monte Stevens
6 years ago

This is a “keeper!” Seems, I am a bit more comfortable in front of the camera. Some of that was the self-portrait Friday project I joined on pbase.com a few years ago.I like this one also as it shows you in that place of contentment and enjoying our world with those you loved.Something tells me Maggie is also enjoying the moment and time with her humans.

6 years ago

Kudos to Bonnie for capturing this. Not that every moment should be preserved in a photograph, but it is nice to have these every once in awhile to help rekindle the memories of how this moment was at the time. I think dogs also like the cool sand on their aching joints as they get older.

6 years ago

Well, every once in a while, ya gotta break with tradition and a fine photo to do it with, Earl! I’m a huge fan of White Sands and am feeling the urge to go back again. I like to go as early as possible and seem to have the park all to myself. All one needs to do is walk out about a mile from the road and you WILL have the park to yourself. People don’t seem to “hike” that far. A fine, peaceful moment Bonnie captured there.

Tom Dills
6 years ago

The best portraits often come when the photographer knows their subject well. In this case I’d say that Bonnie captured your “essence” as only she could..