Oh no you didn’t…Oh, yes we did! Yesterday, we took a day trip across the mountains to visit Roswell, NM. Roswell’s claim to fame is a supposed UFO crash in early July, 1947. The incident was initially reported as a UFO crash, complete with non-human alien crash victims but was later determined, in what seemed to be a governmental coverup, to be the crash of a secret weather balloon and test dummies.

But the truth might indeed be out there as a factual timeline in the International UFO Museum and Research Center seems to indicate it was definitely much more than a balloon and dummies.
I’m a science fiction fan and in the past have enjoyed watching a number of documentaries on the Roswell UFO crash. I already knew a good deal about the incident and was impressed by the number of sworn statements by eyewitnesses to facts which directly contradict the official government record.

The city of Roswell was a little larger and more developed than I’d pictured but we had fun seeing the sights and enjoying a beautiful day.

Was a cover-up possible? Come on, we’re talking about our government…nuff said! ;-)
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What do you mean **supposed** crash?! :-)
LOL! :)
Mark, you and I know the truth but I have to leave some wiggle room for those unbelievers out there or else they might panic. ;-)
No self respecting sci-fi fan could be that close to Roswell and not stop…of course you did! I’m sure that was an interesting visit regardless of one’s views regarding UFOs and government cover ups. Me? I think the aliens would look more like Q from Star Trek. Of maybe Ted Cruz. ;)
Well, Tom, I certainly hope when we meet a superior life form they are more intelligent and open minded than Ted Cruz. If not the first thing they will do is eradicate us for no other reason than we are different and don’t believe as they do. Now Q from Star Trek…that would be interesting. :-)
I did say “look like” and not “think like” didn’t I? Only one of those characters would fit the definition of intelligent, and it ain’t the one running for president!
Sorry, Tom, somehow the look like didn’t connect when I replied. :-)
All I can say Brooks is live long and prosper mate. Oh, and nanu nanu :)
In any case, if there are aliens out there, your next president will build a dome around the US and he’ll even make the aliens pay for it so you guys are good. :)
LOL…not so good. Australia is among my top five locations to become an expat in should a certain individual(s) become president. The refugee flow will probably totally reverse and Mexico will pay for that wall to keep Americans from flooding across their border. :-)
Dang, Brooks. I was in Alamogordo little more than a year ago. I should have taken the trip to Roswell. I guess that I’ll just have to go back! :)
Well then, Paul, you’ll just have to go back to Alamogordo. Roswell is a little less than two hours by auto and I understand it’s only a couple of minutes by UFO…now that they have the landings perfected. It a beautiful trip either way! :-)
Barb and I almost suggested a visit to Roswell but then figured, nah, they might not like the little alien museum. It is an interesting place, though, and, as you say, Roswell is a nice little town. I like Cedric’s thought of a dome over the U. S. to “protect” us from alien invaders. Don’t know if they’d pay for it, though……
But maybe they could beam Donald and Ted up. And do some “experiments” on them. Oh crap. Maybe it was them that beamed those two idiots down!
We enjoyed the drive as well as Roswell and the UFO Museum, Paul. It made for a fun day trip. I’m thinking the aliens might pay for that dome if for no other reason then to keep us all inside.
I hope it wasn’t them that beamed those two down…that would mean the aliens are definitely hostile! :-)
but, but … A dome won’t keep them from tunneling from Australia!!
It’ll be like “Under The Dome”, a complete sphere extending under ground. Phew, right?
We’ll be safe here as well because aliens won’t want to come to Australia. They will have seen Mad Max which will make them think of Australia as a whole other kind of crazy.
That’s funny Cedric. I’d forgotten all about “Mad Max”. Still, I think in a straight competition our guys would win the “crazy” award. I’ve been watching this stuff for a long, long time and I’ve never seen anyone nuttier – politically – than The Donald. Scares the living poop out of me…..
I’m loving the comments here. :-)
Me too, Monte.