
“I think blogging is a muscle that most people wear out.” ~~ Warren Ellis

I remember beginning this blog in January 2006 with no thoughts as to how long it might last. This post marks a milestone of 2,000 posts with over 10,900 comments.

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Monte Stevens
9 years ago

Wow! Nor would have thought you’d be in an RV on the road. More to come, also.

9 years ago

These things do tend to take on a life of their own. I didn’t even imagine that I’d be doing it this long, yet, every 2 years when it comes time to renew with my ISP, I do. I’m glad that you, and my other blogging buddies continue writing. For me, it’s a great way to keep up!

BTW, I love this photo!

9 years ago

Congratulations, Earl – 2000 is quite a number! Re. the “wearing out”: Blogging certainly was a hype for a certain time – now it’s not any more. The crowds have wandered to facebook, pinterest, instagram. But I guess it’s more the very short glances on an image that you get there, to the effect that many of the image authors resort to visual tricks – oversaturation, too much wideangle etc. in order to prolong the attention span. With a blog, you are in your own domain, most probably with less visitors, but on the other hand the time and the freedom to try and develop in your own pace. And this is what I personally prefer.

So I am looking forward to your next 2000 posts to come!

9 years ago

2000 is a heck of a milestone. Congratulation. Though I have a FB account, I seldom post and the Twitter account is an orphan. I prefer the blogging environment to other social media. Here’s to the next 2000 posts!

Paul Maxim
Paul Maxim
9 years ago

Yeah, it’s kinda like reaching 3,000 hits in baseball – not many manage to get there. I agree with Markus. Blogging seems to be going the way of the Dodo bird. I think most people think it’s too much work. Once again, we’re becoming the last of a dying breed…….

9 years ago

Wow Earl, that’s great. Congratulations on the perseverance! I have to say I am also a bit mesmerized by the photo here, any more info about it?

9 years ago

Congratulations – that is an impressive milestone, Earl. And you’ve celebrated it with a brilliant image.