Sharing a smile
Always on the move
This “young” man is alway busy, always on the move, always working and a little camera shy — so when I pre-positioned myself and then asked him if he minded me taking a photo of him this is the look I got.

I’m not sure it’s really camera shyness on his part but more like, “Why would anyone want a picture of me?” He’s got no clue what an expressive face he has. Perhaps being on next years calendar will convince him otherwise.


  1. Well done Earl! this is a fantastic portrait.

  2. This one is superb Earl. You’ve captured an expression, and an intimacy, that goes far beyond an everyday run-of-the-mill portrait. Great piece of work.

    • Pj, I believe the expression reflected his inner pleasure of my wanting to make his photo — I happened to be ready as that flashed across his face. Thanks!

  3. Another fine portrait for the calendar. I like that smile, it is a happy one.

  4. This is a great shot! Love the framing, the slight sidelight, and the wonderful detail.

    • I’d love to say it was all planned to the last detail, but some of it fell to luck. However, I did plan the side lighting from the open walk in freezer door.

  5. Very lovely smile of this old man . Pretty portrait !

  6. It is a prize capture of an exceptional expressive face. You’re right… he has no idea how photogenic he actually is. Fine image for a calendar.

  7. I think you have captured part of his personality here Earl – a feat in itself.