Earl Moore Photography

Thirty days ago I thought perhaps the next post on our dog Foster would be to say that after continuous seizures we’d made the difficult decision to put him down so he wouldn’t suffer.

He’s never been one for being predictable, so instead I’m writing he’s not had a Grand Mal Seizure in a month now. That’s the longest he’s gone between major seizures in the last 14 months.

He’s still on a daily dose of Phenobarbital, but it’s a very low dose so it hasn’t made any major change in his personality or level of activity.

This is what hopeful looks like! :-)

Foster is a Basset Hound and Retriever mix. He’s kinda a funny looking dog with the lovable block-headed personality of a Bassett…we never let him see himself in the mirror. ;-)

Follow-up April 15th, 2012 – Thirty-fours days was a good run but the seizures returned with Grand Mal Seizures occurring within a short period this morning. Hopefully, after these end, we will experience another 30+ day period without any additional seizures.

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12 years ago

Way to go, Foster!!! Show ’em how it’s done, guy. I’m so happy to hear that, Earl. Foster is a real trooper.

Monte Stevens
12 years ago

Unpredictable! I like that, Foster. Keep’em guessing and smiling.

Ken Bello
12 years ago

Foster seem like such a loveable little guy. And that face! He can look in the mirror any day and be proud. Sounds like you’re doing all the right things for that little guy. Way to go.

Journey Photographic
12 years ago

That’s great news Earl! And I think he looks more than presentable enough to look at himself in the mirror :)

Tom Dills
12 years ago

This is a great story and a wonderful portrait. I’ve never had a dog but can only imagine the emotions you and Paul have gone through with your buddies.

12 years ago

Great news… and a beautiful photo of a great looking dog. You show ’em Foster…

Steve Skinner
12 years ago

Foster, keep them guessing!!

12 years ago

He is a very lucky dog to have such great parents caring for him. Yeaaaaa Foster!

Martina Egli
12 years ago

I’m so sorry to hear that the seizures have returned. But I hope Foster is going to have at least another thirty-four days without any of them. So he can enjoy the beginning of spring with wonderful walks in the forest. He is such a lovely looking dog, your portrait of him is adorable. Foster is very lucky to have you and your wife looking after him with so much love and compassion.