I’m overwhelmed by the indescribable natural beauty we’re seeing. At the moment It’s impossible to compared it’s grander to anything I’ve viewed before…it far exceeds any previous personal experience.

Let me update the trip status…

After departing Seattle on Sunday, Monday was spent sailing north to Juneau, AK. I’m calling Monday, May 19th, the gray day because it was foggy, cloudy and rainy. I was seriously getting bummed out thinking the whole trip might be like this. However, Tuesday’s weather started much better, being only partly cloudy, and steadily improved throughout the day.

We arrived at Juneau at about 2pm local on Tuesday, May 20th. Our “big adventure” here was a flight via helicopter to Mildenhall Glacier where we landed and walked about on top of the glacier. What a thrill!


An outstanding sunset that evening marked out departure from Juneau.

Early this morning, Wednesday, May 21st, we pulled into port at Skagway. It never seems to get totally dark here just a dim dusk. Todays planned “big adventure” in Skagway is a scenic rail trip that should be outstanding.

Here it is, the beginning of the third day of our trip and I’ve already taken over 2,000 photos. I don’t even know where to begin in the process of weeding through them.

It’s 6am local as I write this. I’ve been up since about 4:30am watching and taking photos as we docked at Skagway.

My sleep patterns are all over the place and I’m learning the value of catching a nap when I can. But who can afford to sleep when there is so much WOW factor to see and photograph? ;-)


  1. Dang, Earl! My envy factor is going through the roof! What a beautiful scene! 2,000 photos already, eh? :-) Sounds like someone is having a great time! Well, catch a nap, take some more snaps, and keep ’em coming. I’ll try to reduce this green tint that has suddenly appeared on my aura! ;-)

  2. Hi Paul. I can’t stop shooting photos here. Every way I turn there’s more astounding scenes. While 80-90% may end up being junk but I don’t want to miss any opportunity. I’m also finding it’s great practice. Hope your trip is a great success.
    I look forward to lunch and “war stories” soon.