Here are some of my photographic collections. Most of these collections weren’t planned in advance but instead, came as inherent parts of my own photographic proclivities.
Doors, Windows, and Alleyways – these draw me, as they do most photographers, as signifiers of the actions…the passing from one point of physical reference to the next, the viewing of what is beyond our immediate environment or as a directional guide for movement between destinations. They also hold a mystery and a history of craftsmanship touched by human hands with signs of usage from those who have gone before…serving to often note the past, the present, and perhaps the future.
Red Umbrella – One of my more recent and smaller collections…finding those red umbrella’s. The colorful markers of those who often stand out among the crowd is something I now pursue. For my purpose, they are to be caught in the wild, not created for composition. I secretly (or not so secretly now) mourn all those I might have missed seeing and capturing in the past.
Repeating-Patterns– This is a collection of those patterns which continue to catch my eye. No deeper meaning but perhaps if grouped together commonalities may be exposed.
Bark Bits – I love trees…especially Big Beautiful Barks (BBB). :-) The bark of a tree is an identifying element, the trees fingerprints each unique and different, often with blemishes and scares of its life and growth.
Rock – These are offered as a small tribute to the patterns and colors created by eons of earth’s changing and often violent geological history.
Wood – Living or once living detailed studies of the “flesh” of trees.