I’m struggling getting back into blogging. Things that seemed important before now seem rather trivial.


In reading my subscribed feeds I find I’m bored with most of them. So many are posts rehashing subjects long ago covered. How many ways can you write about how to blog, or how to improve your blog, or how to establish your brand? Do a search…obviously a lot!

Could you get any more predictable or repetitive. Many different flavors but it’s still ice cream. I’ve long thought writing about social networking sites boring, but now it’s just damn irritating.

I guess it’s just where my heads at.


  1. I feel you on this one, Earl. I’ve stopped posting, for a while, because I found that I was repeating myself. I’ve just gone to posting a picture, if I feel like it. I think that the burn out period for blogs seems to be after about a year or so. I’ve been going for about 19 months and have finally exhausted my ideas. It’s time to cool my jets for a while and post sporadically, if I have anything to say.

    I understand your malaise.