Reflections upon the river - Earl Moore Photography

Seeing again…

“With time and experience comes a different perception of what’s going on around you.” ~ Chris Robinson Everything in this photo is a reflection except for a few random small leaves floating on the water’s surface.  Our minds want the world around us to make sense so often it’ll initially interpret things in a way which initially seems to do so, only later integrating contradicting details which may demand a change in our frame of reference.

Earl Moore Photography

Crapemyrtle and the Arbor Day Foundation

Several months ago I received an email from a representative of the Arbor Day Foundation stating they wished to use a Crapemyrtle Tree photo of mine they had found via this blog in their upcoming July/August newsletter. Believing in their cause, I granted them permission to use it as long as they indicated it was my copyrighted photo and with the understanding they were to sent me a couple of copies of the newsletter when published.  They agreed to both terms.