“Festivus” Christmas Tree 2024

“Festivus” Christmas Tree 2024

“Setting boundaries is not just about defining limits; it’s about creating a foundation for growth. Once you establish those boundaries, you can challenge yourself to excel and exceed them.” – unknown These “Festivus” posts began with an arbitrary boundary limiting photos to those taken from on, above, or below this year’s Christmas tree. Our living…

©Meandering Passage - Earl Moore Photography

Digital camera video – what about it?

In a previous post I mentioned having three digital cameras of different sizes and, at least in my mind, different primary uses. However, each has the ability to shoot video — the Canon S90 does H.264 640 x 480 video while the Olympus OM-D and Nikon D600 both do HD video capture.

Most D-SLR’s these days have video capability, yet, I’ve only used this capability on a couple of occasions with the S90 and OM-D and never on the D600. To be honest, I’m not even sure how to use it on the D600.