Spring and thoughts in the backyard

Spring and thoughts in the backyard

https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2021/05/EBM-20210524112301.jpg Garden petunia (Petunia atkinsiana) This past Monday morning, the weather was nice, and I was feeling an urge to make some photos, which I haven’t felt in a while. Bonnie used our car for most of the day, so my choices of what to photograph were limited by how far I was willing to…

Follow-up: Saving Our Personal Stories

Follow-up: Saving Our Personal Stories

https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2020/12/EBM-20201016125530.jpg “By the old Oak tree”, Frank Liske Park, Concord, NC — Oct 2020 In a post (“Saving Our Personal Stories“) I published in June 2020, I’d mentioned being enrolled in StoryWorth, where you’re asked questions about your life and experiences on a set schedule for a year.  These stories are collected, and when the…