“Festivus” lazos de Navidad
Thinking ahead: quickly following Festivus and Christmas is New Year’s, along with the notorious New Year’s resolutions. The most popular resolutions revolve around getting in shape and losing weight.
Thinking ahead: quickly following Festivus and Christmas is New Year’s, along with the notorious New Year’s resolutions. The most popular resolutions revolve around getting in shape and losing weight.
“Did you ever notice that life seems to follow certain patterns? Like I noticed that every year around this time, I hear Christmas music.” I acknowledge I may be challenging to shop for because it’s true: if I want or need something and can afford it, I’ll purchase it myself throughout the year. It doesn’t…
A FESTIVUS WISH: “I hope spending time with your family won’t undo all the progress you’ve made with your therapist.” – unknown I like to keep busy during the period leading up to a holiday. I heard from several friends that birdwatching, or birding as they call it, was an excellent way to merge photography…
“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — William Butler Yeats After a personally disappointing November, I’m working to lift my spirits, so most of my posts and photos for the rest of December will be holiday and Christmas-themed. As a personal challenge, I’ll focus on being…
From a weekend away with friends in Blue Ridge, GA, here is a store window snapshot of some modern choices for those who want to “light a candle”…
“If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” ― Anne Bradstreet, The Works of Anne Bradstreet https://meanderingpassage.com//wp-content/uploads/images/2021/04/EBM-20140702120701.jpg I think a nature photographer should have a sense of humor. We make flat image representations of some of the…