Heading further west
After an easy travel day of about 190 miles, we arrived at Junction, Texas, where we’ll stay two nights. We like having “down days” between travel days to recharge, get groceries, etc.

VanLeigh RV/Vilano: A Quality Experience
“There is a spiritual aspect to our lives – when we give, we receive – when a business does something good for somebody, that somebody feels good about them!” ~Ben Cohen, Co-Founder Ben & Jerry’s

Time to move on
The time allotted for our return to North Carolina has flown by with appointments and family visits. Our original plan was to be in the area longer but was altered/shorten by

Cleaning/protecting our 5th Wheel’s roof
One of the advantages of RVing is having a familiar roof over your head, no matter where you may travel. Unfortunately, without some TLC that familiar roof may not feel so cozy as it begins to look worn, dirty or perhaps leak!

It’s the story
So, if I had to define one thing about this RV lifestyle odyssey I’d now say it’s about collecting stories. Some are historical stories and facts, some are stories as evidenced by natural wonders and there are those personal stories found when you least expect them.