A personal journal demonstrating life is not a straight line but a meandering passage.

Don’t stress over the little things. You’ll overcome much in your life. You’ll have both good and bad memories, but the important thing is the present. Don’t let the past weigh you down, and don’t let the future scare you. Loving yourself and laughing often, even when it’s at yourself, is a tonic for mental and emotional health. Keep focused on relishing the here and now.

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Art, Photography and Philosophy

Many photographers seek out untouched sand when photographing White Sands National Park, drawn to its beauty. However, I have learned a couple of valuable lessons from the well-trodden sand that resonate with my life experiences. The footprints left by passing events are not permanent, and often, you don’t notice the beautiful sparkles in life until…

I Was Framed
I Was Framed

In January 2024, I shared that I had the above image printed on canvas in a custom large size of 60″x34″. At that time, the printer did not offer any framing options for custom large prints, and even if they had, I likely would not have been able to afford it. While we liked and…

A Sad State
Art, Photography and Philosophy
A Sad State

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us a looking at the stars” – Oscar Wilde I might have shared a version of this image before; it’s an old one from our RV travels 2015. However, the image processing tools and my abilities have improved, making the reprocessing of most images noticeably better….

Earl and Maggie at White Sands, NM, 2016 - Photo by Bonnie Moore
Earl and Maggie at White Sands, NM, 2016 – Photo by Bonnie Moore

This blog:

“Meandering Passage,” has reflected my journey since 2006. The term ‘Meandering’ signifies a winding path or perhaps slowing down and observing, while ‘Passage’ represents both a physical journey and a written excerpt, both of which describe the evolution of content over the years in this blog.

Initially focused on Apple Mac computers, the blog has transformed into a personal photoblog and a journal of life events and perhaps a few lessons learned. While I can’t predict its direction in a year, I hope it continues to evolve.


I am the owner and primary editor of “Meandering Passage,” a platform where I publish information, document personal observations, and share my photography.

I see my life as a “Meandering Passage,” filled with diverse experiences. I grew up on a farm, served in the United States Air Force, and worked in Information Systems as a programmer, designer, and manager for an international manufacturing company. I also spent time as a motorcycle mechanic and traveled full-time in an RV. I’m now retired, but am still actively in the process of self-discovery.

Maggie was our beloved furry companion and inspiration contributor, who is sadly no longer with us, except in our hearts.

Post Calendar

February 2025

Recent Comments

  1. It’s like when we push that release, both the camera and our brain capture the moment, and one recalls the…

  2. Photographs, especially certain particular photos, leave an imprint on us. I could look at an old photo and sometimes I…

  3. Thanks, Joe. No, I haven’t had it printed yet. This photo had been filed away and off my ‘radar’ during…

  4. Okay. Wow. Absolutely wow. One of those “I wish I made this” photos. Have you printed it?