Couple on train in Paris, FR
Father's love, NC
Baby fast asleep and slumped over.
A not too happy hello, Parade, Salisbury, NC
Out and about, Venice, Italy
Before SmartPhones, Spain
Morning Paper, Spain
A senior man walks for his morning paper, Segovia, Spain
Forever watchful, Tuscany, Italy
Woman on balcony, Segovia, Spain
Watchful, Bilbao, Spain
Shop Keeper, Venice, Italy
Italian Policeman in Florence, Italy
Woman waiting for subway train, Madrid, Spain
Home is where my bags are, Madrid, Spain
Mornings with a friend, Blowing Rock, NC
Park Meeting, Romainia
Father and son moment, Segovia, Spain
Waiting for the rain to stop, Spain
My Story, Tuscany, Italy
Olive Oil, Tuscany, Italy
Young women and dog at Italian Winery, Italy
Subway performance, Madrid Spain
#2477 - Street Music, Paris, FR
Walk along a beach
Senior couple's morning walk, Segovia, Spain
Till death, us do part, Spain
Two Priest, Venice, Italy
Three Sisters, Spain
Tourist capturing the moment in photos, Segovia, Spain
An Early Morning's Start
Feeding the ducks and geese, Salisbury, NC
Young explorer, Germany
My balloon, Romania
RHM, Salisbury, NC
Who's in Control?
Distraction, Madrid, Spain
Sharing a bench, Vero Beach, Florida
Morning for 3 friends, Vero Beach, Florida
Slip-Sliding... Salisbury, NC
Street Performer, Madrid, Spain
Lunch line, RHM, Salisbury, NC
Christmas, RHM, Salisbury, NC
Parade with a beat, Salisbury, NC
A little Elf, Salisbury, NC
The Beauty, Salisbury, NC
Sadly, Salisbury, NC