

Many photographers seek out untouched sand when photographing White Sands National Park, drawn to its beauty. However, I have learned a couple of valuable lessons from the well-trodden sand that resonate with my life experiences. The footprints left by passing events are not permanent, and often, you don’t notice the beautiful sparkles in life until…

A Sad State

A Sad State

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us a looking at the stars” – Oscar Wilde I might have shared a version of this image before; it’s an old one from our RV travels 2015. However, the image processing tools and my abilities have improved, making the reprocessing of most images noticeably better….

Meandering Passage, Reflections After Nineteen Years

Meandering Passage, Reflections After Nineteen Years

Redesigning the home page of “Meandering Passage” (once again) and nearing its nineteenth anniversary put me into a reflective mood about its name and what it’s come to mean to me. For as long as I can remember, I’ve seen life’s journey more as a winding road with unexpected turns and detours than a straight…