With the temperature reaching nearly 80º F yesterday, many plants and trees are blooming or budding.  These photos were snapshots from my morning walk.  It is still early in the season, so we’ll see if it is genuinely an early Spring or if there’s more winter yet to come.

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1 year ago

Wow, how early are these blooms? I saw one of our maples begin to have buds, then they got covered in ice. This whiplash weather can be quite devastating.

Monte Stevens
Monte Stevens
1 year ago

Seems nature knows what it’s role is and when to partake in it. It always amazes me. Glad you are getting an early taste of spring and hope it stays. Seems if that many trees are blooming then it’s here. I know nothing about the Bradford Pear trees so looked them up. I was surprised to see so many negative comments on them. In fact they are panned in some places with cities offering replacement trees of they are cut down and removed. I did not read anything about the fruit and whether it is edible.

1 year ago

What a flowerage, Earl, marvellous! Here in Bavaria we alterate between spring temperatures of about 15°C during the day and snowfall and freezing temperatures at night. Snowdrops are out, but trees and bushes still hold back. Only Hazels polliinate like mad already, as my itching eyes and nose tell me.