A sight you’re likely to see these days here in the U.S.  Don’t you wonder what will come out on the other side of this Coronavirus Pandemic, beyond the masks and the haunted eyes of patients and care providers? Will there be changes from the “normal” of before…social changes, financial changes, and personal changes? For me, there will be changes.

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Howard Grill
4 years ago

Hopefully there will be changes. For the better. Let at least a little touch of good come from it. Perhaps a realization that as humans we are all in this together.

Howard Grill
4 years ago

You too Earl!

4 years ago

I am really at a loss on what is the right way for this to end. Some indicating we can’t go back to normal until there is a vaccine, but I also don’t see how everything can be shut down for so long, and be able to restart.

One thing is for sure, we as a species, society, seem wholly unprepared for global issues like this. What happens when the environment really starts snowballing?

I do hope like Howard says people emerge a bit more bonded. But I am just seeing more of the same. People separating into “us and them” on so many aspects of this.

I seriously wonder how this is going to impact the election this year.

4 years ago
Reply to  Earl

I agree. I also think an antibody test is going to be more important than the current COVID tests. Just the aspects of false positives that are showing up, and the fact you can test negative but then get infected a week later are enough to cause concern. Then they need to know whether a person with antibodies is still infectious.

I think you are not alone in support for Cuomo. I’ve enjoyed his updates and leadership. Heck, probably even Biden may wish it was Cuomo! :-) But, even the Mayor of my city, who has stated he has never voted for a Democratic President, has come out publicly in support of Biden. I only hope that is a telling sign and not an anomaly.

People also need to keep in mind this is about Supreme Court Justices. RBG is such a hero for holding on. Just like much of the GOP held their noses in 2016, they did so for the Supreme Court.

Monte Stevens
4 years ago

I question if what some are calling normal really was. Maybe we now will know what normal is or is there such a thing as normal? When the caterpillar transforms forms into the butterfly it really is nothing but new life. I have hope, embracing this moment and the all changes to come.