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As my photo library has grown, I’ve been thinking about organizing and key-wording in ways to more easily lay my hands on selected shots when wanted.

                              Hiding in Plain Sight

Beyond the “normal” use of keywords I would like to be able to capture photos by trait or emotional impression.  For example, let say I’m looking for photos that impart the feeling of happiness.  Wouldn’t it be great to be able to use the keyword happy or happiness and get a wide selection of photos across all subject areas that imparts the feeling of being happy, or similarly sad and funny.

Or perhaps I’m looking for photos whose color theme is red, blue or green.  Photos that are morning, noon, evening or night shots.  Etc.

Not original thoughts I know, and I understand that applying many of these keywords would be subjective.  But it would be subjective to “MY” viewpoint, so that’s okay.  :-)

                              Calming Structure

I also want to construct a standard keyword hierarchy to allow intelligent grouping of similar keywords and to prevent redundancies.  I’m starting to build a keyword list or at least a list of those things I feel I want to be able to capture.  I’m still revising the core and considering how I want to use it. I don’t want to start applying any new keywords until I feel the core is somewhat set.  It’s got to be flexible enough to be added to when the need arises.

I don’t want it to become a constricting process or to become paralyzed over defining and applying keywords.

I’m seeking a balance and I’m finding it a good mental exercise.

Technorati Tags: adobe, adobe lightroom, apple, keywords, lightroom, photos

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17 years ago

Ah yes, keywording. Since I started getting my photos organized, or at least trying to, I’ve come up with a decent list of keywords. Keywords are very specific to the individual. It rather depends on how your mind works and how you recall things. I have a hundred plus keywords, and some are grouped into hierarchies, which makes things even easier to find. For example, I might have: Color (red, green, yellow, blue, warm, cool) etc.

The hardest thing about keywords, for me at least, is being consistent in applying them. :-) Sometimes, I just get lazy and don’t do it, but always feel that I need to, so I go back and do several days worth of missing keywords. Time consuming!

Good luck with it. It is certainly rewarding when you remember a certain picture, then can go and find it in a few seconds. That’s nice!