White Berries, Dec2024

“Did you ever notice that life seems to follow certain patterns? Like I noticed that every year around this time, I hear Christmas music.”

Tom Sims

I’ve been told I’m difficult to buy a gift for, so I’d like to offer a simple solution: don’t. This may be hard to believe, but many more people don’t buy me gifts than those who do. I know, sad, right? 😁  But the real gift is always kind and loving thoughts…unless it’s a convertible sports car or a nifty new camera! Haha!

I acknowledge I may be challenging to shop for because it’s true: if I want or need something and can afford it, I’ll purchase it myself throughout the year. It doesn’t seem practical to wait for months until Christmas, hoping someone else will buy it for me.  I tried that, it never works.

Perhaps I should have saved this for the Festivus “Airing of Grievances.”


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Monte Stevens
3 months ago

If all my gifts were kind and loving thoughts I’d be a happy camper. I personally am a better shopper for myself than anyone else. I seem to do a decent job with colors, sizes and cost when shopping for myself. I will admit that I have bought a few things that were a bit over the price range but it was something I really needed wanted and found reasons to justify the purchase.

When I worked at Starbucks the Christmas music started right after Thanksgivings so by the time Christmas arrived I was nauseated by the music. I love this image by the way!! I assume it was shot from the recliner and in between your exercises.

3 months ago

I’m often criticized (scowled upon) for buying my own things instead of waiting for birthdays or Christmas. I’m learning, slowly.