CHRISTMAS (noun) – The only time of year one can sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy from a sock. – unknown
I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with the Christmas Holiday, and it’s been tilting toward hate as the season has become more commercial. Christmas gift-giving should follow practical guidelines for living within one’s means and should be limited to only close friends and immediate family. But so many well-meaning gift-givers rack up extreme credit card debt, spending months paying it off if they can. I’m convinced that most people would happily negotiate a spending truce/deal of “I care about you, but don’t buy for me, and I won’t buy for you.”
Oh, let’s get this out of the way, “Die Hard” is a Christmas movie! “Yippee-Ki-Yay”
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I totally love the definition of Christmas!!! If that’s original, great job!! I have not had a Christmas spirit for many years now. Way too commercial and blown out of proportion of its original purpose. I think it’s safe to say everything is based on marketing for a profit. And, not only do people get into financial straits there are plenty of people who have gifts they don’t want or need. We are a nation of surplus and storage units. There are few things wrong with the thinking in our country and this is one of them. I would hope eating candy from a sock includes dark chocolate!!

That is not my original definition. I couldn’t find the originator. I should have tagged it as unknown. It sounds like a note to Santa about dark chocolate in your “sock” is in order. Thanks, Monte.
Bruce Willis says it’s not :-)
With all due respect and consideration to Bruce Willis, he’s not an unbiased source. He is a paid actor who made his career mainly as an action hero, so of course, he’d prefer “Die Hard” to be considered an action/adventure movie. I will concede that it straddles more than one category. Haha!
If you have any tricks to get people to stop buying stuff, usually stuff that will ultimately end up in a landfill, please let me know. Maybe an ugly “Straight to Landfill” Christmas sweater – or too rude? :-) The truce/deal thing just never works, then people feel reciprication-guilt – and the cycle never ends. Maybe I will just move to Antarctica starting in November, come back in March.
I’ve got no tricks that I know of, but the sweater would be counter-productive and go viral. My personal experience is that the truce/deal thing has worked for some and has worked for years. I laughingly think of it as a Cold War mutual destruction pact. Antarctica sounds a little extreme, but I understand the feeling.