We awoke to a dusting of icy snow on this morning. I didn’t remember any notable snow last winter, and according to recorded weather history, the last time we had even an inch of snow here (Charlotte, NC area) was in January 2022. From the looks and texture, I believe this was a combination of sleet and snow. Highs today will be in the low 40s (F).

While I miss the two to three snow events we used to have each winter, I don’t envy the hardship folks have to deal with in the recent significant lake snow effects event. Although it was fun watching the Bills and 49ers play in it this past Sunday.

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What beautiful photos, my friend. Along with that dusting of snow and sleep also comes the cold. I am also glad that I do not have to deal with feets of wet snow like they are dealing with in the northeast. I hope those ferns are going to be okay. Stay warm!
Thanks, Monte. The fate of those ferns has been left to the universe, but I’m interested to see what next spring brings.
Well, you beat us. I live around 15 miles from the coast so we stay a bit warmer than inland which has gotten some snow up north. I expect some tonight though. Keep the snow shovel handy :-)
Well, that’s unexpected! Haha! But our dusting of snow all melted in a few hours this morning. We’re looking for a nighttime temperature around 20°F tonight, but it will be dry. Good luck with your forecasted snow. I don’t own an actual snow shovel.