“In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous.”
– Aristotle
One of the premises of a mystery story I recently read suggested that a person can become invisible or unnoticed by others if they adopt a low-key demeanor and embody what others prefer not to see. How many people do we truly notice in a crowd or who might just be somewhere along our route? Do we pay attention to all the wait staff rushing about at a party or in a restaurant? I believe that the homeless, the poor, and the oppressed have been aware of this phenomenon—whether intentionally or unintentionally—for quite some time. I observed this dynamic nearly every day at a local homeless shelter. For some individuals, being unseen leads to feelings of anger, while for others, it provides a sense of safety and security. And that’s people, imagine how much else falls into our invisible zone.
It’s impossible to notice everything in our surroundings; doing so would overwhelm our minds. However, I often wonder how much we overlook in our daily routines. When I take on the role of photographer, I’m making a conscious effort to notice and observe my environment. I look around and down, seeking out the details and hoping not to miss something unexpectedly interesting or unseen.
But, I don’t know how successful I am at being observant; we can’t know what we don’t see.
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This time of year the forest floor is full of nice surprises as you found here. I do think I see more with camera in hand, regardless of where I am.
I agree that I see more with a camera in hand. My wife, when she’s with me, also sees more when I have a camera in my hands.
Thanks, Joe!
I ask the same questions of myself and others. I am also becoming more aware of how often I slip into my thinking as it was reality rather than being present. I agree photography has given me the opportunity to look and to be open to gifts given me. When I’m thinking I’m not open to everything, or fully listening and for sure not being a student of life. I must say this is one lovely image! My kinda image! Well seen and well done!
Unfortunately, I often find myself lost in my thoughts, preoccupied with a book I’m reading, a photo I’ve taken, or something similarly trivial. Holding a camera helps me stay focused and engaged with the outside world. It’s interesting to note that having a smartphone with me doesn’t have the same effect as using an actual camera. I appreciate the comments about the photo!