A pair of Chipping Sparrows, with the male making his final approach.


While I was outside with a camera this morning, these two Chipping Sparrows flew to our bird feeder.  I was just fast enough to catch the male making his final approach for landing, full flaps; I guess you could say.  I had no time to consider the camera setting, so I took what I was given.  

It appears it’s going to be another hot 90°+ week. I only hope we get some rain (it’s a low probability). It’s still June, and I’m already tired of summer. 😩 Haha!

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Tom Dills
3 months ago

You managed to get him all in the frame, so I’d call it a successful shot!

3 months ago

I imagine it gets quite muggy down there also. We just finished our week of steaminess, but we’ve also had a lot of storms. I hate the heat/humidity more than I do winter at times. I dread what August is going to bring.

Cool photo though!

Monte Stevens
3 months ago

I love this image, Earl! It is full of action by the bird and reaction by the photographer. Well done.
I just checked on the temperature out your way and you guys are in the mid-nineties. With the humidity at fifty percent that makes it uncomfortable for anyone, anywhere. It’s hot here also, but we’re expecting scattered showers like you are.