Coleus (Common coleus, Painted nettle) is a plant with leaves in a wide range of colors and forms.

“Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.”Virginia Satir

…and in a nurturing society. — ebm


Imagine if all the plants on earth looked, grew and behaved the same. When you’d seen one, you’d seen them all. The plant world would be boring, weakening plants’ ability to thrive and survive across the globe.  

I was reading today how, in some U.S. states, non-secular public schools are being closed as state-sponsored voucher systems shift children to religious-based Christian private schools.  I don’t know if the primary education provided is better or worse.  But it’s hard for me to believe there is not a significant amount of religious indoctrination taking place in these schools as well.  And then the recent congressional attack on college administrations for “allowing” student protests around the terrible number of Palestinian deaths and wounded in the Middle East. 

A big picture I can imagine of a less-than-free future scares me.  

Is all of this an attempt to have the role of government and education remold future generations as Christians with “Christian values”?  Believe what you will about these trends in education, but specific sectors of American society are increasingly intolerant of many differences that make our society stronger.  I believe no small part of this reaction is based on fear, fear of change, fear of loss of power and privilege.

That’s all I’ll say on this. Religion and politics are subjects in which I try to keep my opinions to myself. But sometimes I feel like screaming.  😳

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3 months ago

First, that is one beautiful plant – and quite a nice photo.

I have similar views on differences, although I am not liking the differences in the perceived realities which seem to be drifting further and further apart. The disturbing trend is the two realities cannot believe on one simple set of facts on just about anything. For example, you mentioned the aspect of religion in schools, but I literally just saw a comment yesterday in a local city forum from a very right wing individual talking about parents yanking their kinds out of public schools because of “forced ideologies.” One can only speculate what he meant – but you can take a guess at typical talking points of that crowd. It’s become so crazy.

Anyway, could go on and on – but what good what that do? :-) Hope you and Bonnie are doing well.

Monte Stevens
3 months ago

I don’t mind if you scream because that may be what we need more of. Your scream is not a rant, name calling, or attack but a valid concern. It is important for us to express ourselves, even if the other does not listen. When leaders place their agenda and interests over the interests of the people the represent then we have a divided, intolerant society. One aspect about our blogs is that it is available to the world. We have no idea who will read our concerns, experiences that will impact others. Go ahead and say what’s on your heart, my friend!

Monte Stevens
3 months ago
Reply to  Earl

Go ahead and scream, myfriend. I can handle it and there are people who need to hear your scream.

3 months ago
Reply to  Earl

I think you are being generous with half the population – Haha. I also wonder and try to be aware of my own biases, or wonder if I am just being intolerant of different views. I know I am a bit grumpier with age. :-) But when I listen or read what some folks say / write – I am completely floored how someone can believe some of the crap that is out there. Part of me wants to feel sorry someone’s been taken advantage of by someone that knows the right buttons to push, but the other side recognizes patterns that have existed through history and are resurfacing. They’ve always been there.