While having my first cup of coffee in the morning, I usually look at the view in the above photo.  I’m often up before sunrise, so I watch this scene as the light slowly overcomes darkness and often is eventually flooded with bright sunshine.  However, we’ve not had abundant sunshine recently, as it’s been cloudy with the occasional rain shower.  But as you can see from the bright greens, plants are flourishing.  Luckily, we’ve not also had the severe storms others have experienced.  Normally, this feeder in the mornings has constant bird activity, but I scared them off while making this photo.

A part of my fern hillside project is visible in the background on the left side and behind the ‘frog’ on the bench.  The ferns have been experiencing a growth spurt, and I’m awaiting the arrival of two Cinnamon Ferns I recently ordered to add, hopefully within the next week. 

Speaking of coffee, I had to give it up for a few years because it was causing or aggravating acid reflux.  It wasn’t easy to do that because I sincerely enjoyed strong black coffee.  Somewhere along the line, I came across a mention of coffee with a bit of Maple Syrup added for a milder, sweeter experience.  Strangely, not only do I like the taste combination, but it’s also eliminated the majority of previous digestive issues I experienced.  About a tablespoon of syrup per cup does the trick so I can enjoy a couple of cups in the morning.

So nothing exciting, but with the years has also come an appreciation for the simple pleasures.  


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10 months ago

I also enjoy my coffee black, nothing added. Lately preferring beans from Peru the most. I’ve never heard of the maple syrup thing. Odd, because it kinda makes sense being a common thing around breakfast! So I may give it a try. I’m on reflux meds pretty much for life, so it has a bonus of not being affected much by food except on rare occasions, or I forget it. Then I am miserable.
Great window view BTW.

Monte Stevens
10 months ago

I am envious of your backyard view, my friend. I can imagine the chatter from the birds as they hang around the birdfeeder, enjoying the gift your seeds. I also had not heard of maple syrup added to coffee but it does sound rather good. I’ll have to give it a try. And, plenty of green in your view!!!!