“The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of. The mite which November contributes becomes equal in value to the bounty of July.”
— Henry David Thoreau


Please forgive the softness of the moon in the photo above. I made the photo while walking on a lonely, winding mountain road, using my Sony camera. Recently, I have mostly used a smaller sensor, Olympus four-thirds camera, and have become somewhat complacent with full-frame settings and depth-of-field calculations. Perhaps I would also blame the cold and shakiness, but the tree in the picture appears sharp, so that excuse doesn’t hold up.   I guess I’ll fall back on it being a creative, artistic decision.  🙄

Still, I like the photo, or perhaps I just like the memory of making it.  

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Monte Stevens
1 year ago

You’re forgiven, my friend! I’m not sure where I heard it or read it or if it’s just my own preference but the creative, artistic images are the ones I’m drawn to. The perfect image, nah! Just saying!

1 year ago

A beautiful image, Earl. No complaints here.