“It happened so fast. No one had time to do anything, but watch.”
― Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel


…or perhaps to snap a quick photo.


Most would say Venice is a mandatory destination for first-time Italy visitors.  During the popular tourist season, it may seem like everyone decided to visit all at once, to the point where Venice sometimes limits numbers.  

However, if your timing is good or you can look over or around the crowds, Venice is a magnificent city filled with history, culture, and beauty.  The city is known for its stunning canals, superb architecture, and vibrant atmosphere.  The colors of Venice are rich and diverse, from the deep blues of the canal waters to the warm yellows of the buildings that line the streets.  The city is also known for its vibrant and colorful festivals, which take place throughout the year.  Sometimes the sun may add to the magic with a bright late evening spectacular.

During this visit in 2012, I just happened to be in a convenient spot to make this photo.  We were walking, and it was an unexpected burst of color. I could have done better positioning and framing if I had thought ahead.  But even taken by surprise, I’m grateful for the gift.  

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Monte Stevens
1 year ago

I would be grateful with such a gift, also! I’ve never visited Venice and as a photographer feel I’d enjoy the colors and architecture opportunities it offers. Here again I wonder what a framed print would look like.

1 year ago

Beautiful photo Earl. Looks quite tranquil, you’d never know it was full of tourists.